“Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world that it was crooked.” -Author unknown

Who we are

Based upon our Christian faith, we love others and wish to obey Christ’s command to serve one another. (Mark 10:45; Galatians 5:13) Our mission is to gather women, learn, and speak the gospel into their lives but also offer much-needed practical support for the mind, body and spirit from a Christian perspective. If the Holy Spirit indwells our hearts, we are committed to treat the heart and body as His holy temple so that it is healthy and ready for His service. Our passion as women professionals is to offer the practical guidance necessary for improvement through love. We also hope to have loads of fun!


We have a warm Facebook community. Please stop by and introduce yourself!


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Why Do We Need God?

Why Do We Need God?

Blessing in the Darkness

Blessings in the Darkness

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