
John 3:16 - A Discussion

John 3:16 - A Discussion by Lynn E. Keough


I have always had faith in God but it was the faith in knowing I would make it to heaven, but maybe only by the skin of my teeth. I did not live the life of a faithful child of God. Who can? It was immature. Like many, I was just drinking the “milk” of the Bible and not really searching for the “meat” that would grow my life with Jesus. I would grow at intervals and then fall back into the bad habit of reading the word through the bible app verse of the day. I was not regularly reading my Bible or studying it.


I have always felt like I could talk to God through the Holy Spirit and I was listening superficially to the answer. I just was not driven. Then one day God called me to read John 3:16. I sort of ignored it. However, it just kept popping into my head. So, I read it, word by word.


“For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).


The words of this old verse became brand new to me. I just kept reciting them over and over in my head. I broke it down – word-by-simple-word just like this:


FOR GOD. Think how this starts: “For God” - the God of all creation; the God who seeks to be with each one of us; and the great “I AM” offers us joy, peace, love and wonder.


SO LOVED. What would it mean to love that much - a whole world of his own creation, made in His own image? He so loved “us”! Despite all of the things that make us defiant, stubborn, etc., He so loves anyway. Jesus (God) chose to come into this world as a helpless baby to grow up as we do. He was born into a poor family, often on the move.


THE WORLD. The world: this is us. He is not talking about trees, sky, clouds, flowers, food; even though he created these things for us … the world refers to humanity!  Who are we to be loved so much by the Great I AM?  He thinks we are worth it!


THAT HE GAVE. God is always gifting us. He is with us each second. He has always interacted with humanity. Yet, he gave more.


HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON.  There are few humans that could even understand this concept. I cannot imagine willingly giving up my own beloved son, even though I know GOD is in control and I know to WHOM he belongs. It is inconceivable to the human mind. Is He talking to the human mind in this verse, or is He speaking to your very spirit?


THAT WHOSOEVER. This is humanity - every nation, tribe and tongue throughout history, now and in the future.


BELIEVES IN HIM. Is “believe” a benign word that we feel but don’t actually act upon? This means a call to all of us. His free gift cost Him His only son for his good and perfect purpose.  “Believes in Him” is a bit more complicated. Belief is an action word here. Believing is more than just saying it or even doing it on the surface. This is a call to commit, to change, to learn and to love the world as he does. Pray for each other and the world as a whole; even those who hurt, anger or scare us. We must remember that even Satan knows God. He knows all 66 books in the Bible front to back. He will use it against us at every turn. He uses the distractions of our daily lives to keep us from God’s word and will.


SHALL NOT PERISH. We all know we will die an earthly death, but as Christ followers, we are “born again”, which confounded Nicodemus in John 3:1-15. It is confounding. It is a mystery and an unbelievable gift. We will go to heaven and be the bride of Christ who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. Do we have a concept of forever? What is this? Choosing life, we get to commune with God, the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Are we willing to give this up? I have no concept of what it would be like on earth without this hope.


Each verse in the entire Bible is alive. John 3:16 is just one simple verse yet has such profound meaning. God loves you, even if you do not love Him.


Your sister in Christ,

Lynn E. Keough

February 2020


May the King of Kings and Lord of Lords embrace you as you are now with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. Until we see you there my dear sister, Lynn... - 1962-2020