



Friends, I know it seems as if I have not engaged much with this ministry lately. And, it is true; much of the original agenda has been postponed. I have been writing but keeping those articles aside for now. I write and post here when I feel the Lord is leading me to do so. In my own bible study today, I was compelled to focus on what it means for believers to be overcomers. Perhaps it is not exactly what we think. In our perspectives, we believe overcoming means to win, or to be successful, but God’s word says differently.


“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him” (1 John 5:1).


“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith” (1 John 5:4).


We overcome when we lean into God and allow Him to fight the Evil One. It does not mean we will not have trials. In fact, frankly it is the opposite. Our trials make us look to Him and relinquish the control that we want to hold on to so tightly. Personally, I have endured loss of loved ones, illness and loss of career in just a few short months. It has humbled me before Him. Rather than shake our fists at God or turn our backs on Him, we must turn to him through the trials. That is how we become overcomers – through love. We love and lay our day-to-day lives down before Him. He laid down His life for us demonstrating such great and unfathomable love. Let us ask Him to help us do the same. When we say we would sacrifice our lives for Him, it does not necessarily mean to do so through the dramatic ways of martyrs. He simply wants us – fully and completely. It also doesn’t mean we won’t feel heartbreak or fear or sadness or even anger. I have shed many tears in the past four months. But I will make a choice to lean on what I know and who I know. He can take it.


I will get back to this ministry as God leads me, but His agenda and timing are not necessarily mine and I have to reconcile that in my heart and mind. I will keep writing to help, teach and encourage others – especially women, but will do it in God’s way and timing. He is still healing my mind, body and spirit and I must allow Him. In just a few short months, almost every aspect of my life has changed, making the once comfortable now uncomfortable. But, like Job, I will make a conscious effort to seek His face and trust in Him.


I can’t wait to share more with you! I will keep writing blog articles and develop Bible studies to work through together with you as God directs me to publish. They are there, partially written and kept safe until the day I can proceed. But for now, I will take the time to learn the lessons He is teaching me. I know it will help me be a better teacher, mentor and encourager to you. We can be overcomers as children of God because we trust Him with our lives. Why wouldn’t we? He is our Creator! That serpent of old tries to tell us differently; that we do not need God. His goal is to kill, steal and destroy, but with Christ Jesus as my savior who loves me, I can confidently say, “Not today Satan!”


Thank you for continuing to peek into Women, Wellness & the Word. Please like and share this Facebook page and subscribe to the website so it can bless others. The Bible studies will continue in the hopefully near future, but for now, feel free to check out the latest 30-minute single lesson on Matthew 24 - “The Return of Jesus” as well as our previous studies on the books of Ruth and John on our YouTube channel. (See previous article post.) They will eventually be archived on the website along with their notes. I feel my sweet sister, Lynn, who was a part of this ministry’s beginning, is looking down from heaven now giving us her continued blessing.


Tonya Noren

February 6, 2021