
The Gift of Space

The Gift of Space


Recently, while visiting my family, my sister was fixing up and lovingly decorating a special room in her house just for herself. It will double as her bedroom and art studio. Another sister talked about designating the front area of her new home as a sitting room for herself. She has beautiful Turkish art and rugs from when she lived in Istanbul. My sisters and I had a wonderful conversation about the importance of a space just for ourselves in our homes or somewhere outside to reflect, create, study, pray, or yes, even scream into a pillow. It is our space and a place to just be alone and recharge. Even if we do not have a room, creating a corner will do or a special tree or garden outside. But we still must create our space because it is critical for our wholeness and wellness. Currently, my “room” for this is occupied by a daughter getting ready to spread her wings to enter a new chapter in her life. While she is borrowing my space to transition, I have designated a space on a corner of my couch! It sounds a little funny, but it is okay. It is quiet, has light and good WiFi connection! The point is we should and must give ourselves the gift of space so that we can recharge in order to give to others. Even Jesus, God Himself within humanity, pulled away from the crowds to go and be alone to pray. Yes! It’s in the Bible! “Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray” (Luke 5:16). So, let us give ourselves grace to find our space!


Power in the Name


Too many times, we bury ourselves in our commitments and obligations to the point that we have nothing left to give - and then we break – mentally, emotionally, physically. We wrongly believe that we will miss something, someone will go without, or things will fall apart without us. I am guilty of this. I am so driven to achieve my goals and work on projects that I do not refresh and then I am no good for myself or anyone else, for that matter. I end up saying or doing things I would not have otherwise - if I’d only taken the time to refresh, think and rest. I also wrongly thought I would have more “time” once my children were grown. They are grown and gone now for many years and I still feel overwhelmed at times. It is because I have not given myself the space to refresh and pray as Jesus did.


Remember, prayer does not need fancy words or long discourse.


Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil. 2:9-11)


 If there is power in the name of Jesus, then we need only say His name in prayer. Other words may come but sometimes they don’t. He knows what our hearts cry out for before we utter a word. But we need the space to be able to cry out and hear from God. We may need but a moment or we may need a week’s vacation in a space away from duties and obligations in order to refresh. Jesus did so and we need to do so as well, or … we … break. People, duties and responsibilities will wait. If we do this for ourselves, as Jesus did, we will be even better for others. It is our “time-out”!


Where is Your Space?


So, my friends, just for today, set aside a moment to find your space and then go there regularly – once a day, once a week or whenever the need arises. I am in my own space now writing this to you. God has shown me this topic as He knows I needed to hear it, but I also can give the message to you because I reflected on it quietly, so the words from God flow through my fingertips to you. I said earlier, give yourself the gift of space, but in reality, the gift of space is from Him. Accept it. Where is your space?


Tonya Noren

March 28, 2021