
Kingdom-Focused: The Lion of Judah

Kingdom-Focused: The Lion of Judah


“Time is a loan. Eternity is a gift.” -Ravi Zacharias


Women, Wellness & the Word will continue to blog on a wide variety of topics for discussion; everything relating to physical and mental health to our spiritual health. We will dive into light topics but tackle sobering topics as well. But here, I want to take a moment to lean into our spiritual selves and discuss the greatest topic of all – Jesus and who He was, is and is to come.


Who is Jesus? How do we think of Him? As a baby lying in a manger? As a humble servant riding on a donkey into Jerusalem? As a crucified Savior? All these things are indeed true and should be celebrated. But what if we were to think of Jesus (Yeshua, his Hebrew name) as a king, THE King of Jerusalem, the world and the very universe? He is THE ultimate King – Our King – to be revered, humbled before and obeyed. Why? Because He is our Creator and He loves us with a love greater than we can know in this life. Those of us who have children may have a small inkling of what that kind of love may feel like, but it still falls so short. Yes, He is and was the innocent sacrificial lamb but scriptures ensure us, He is also the Lion of Judah who will return again and that is where our focus should be! (Rev. 5:5)


It’s true in this life we can enjoy blessings and joy but we also experience despair. No one escapes that. But if we view our lives as being part of the kingdom with Jesus as our King, our lives take on a new meaning regardless of our circumstances. Our entire purpose on earth changes to how we can serve our King, always focusing on the new life to come where we will see Him every day. This day is coming sooner rather than later!


Sisters, our Lord IS returning as a King, a mighty Warrior who slays His enemies by His spoken word! It is essential that we study the scriptures to understand the deeper meaning of God’s purposes. Some of our upcoming online studies will indeed take us deeper. I hope you’ll join us. Let us be kingdom-focused awaiting the Lion of Judah!


If we humble ourselves before our Creator, King Jesus, acknowledge our sins and repent (in other words truly love Him), ask Him to indwell our hearts, we can be a part of His beautiful kingdom – forever! The term Maranatha means “Lord Jesus Come.” This is my longing. I hope it is yours as well.


“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn (the unbelievers will mourn) when they see the Son of Man (Jesus) coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other” (Matthew 24:30-31).



Tonya Noren

May 20, 2020