
What Does “Getting Healthier” Mean to You?

What Does “Getting Healthier” Mean to You?


What DOES it mean to you?


Is it losing weight? If so, why?

Is it to lower your A1C or reduce blood pressure or cholesterol medications?

Is it to be able to move more freely for your kids or grandkids (or fur babies)?

Is it to boost your immune system?

Is it making healthier food choices? If so, what are those?

Is it all of the above?


If you achieve one or some of these goals, will you “be healthier”?


I have been a health and fitness specialist for over twenty years and have certifications in personal training and health coaching so perhaps I can help answer some of these questions. Actually, the answer to “getting healthier” for most, especially women, is all of the above with perhaps a specific goal in mind. That’s where we start (myself included). I am on a journey too. Here’s the beauty of it. It starts with just one step. One step leads to another and then another and the next thing we know, we’ve achieved the ever-elusive (albeit subjective) goal of “being healthier”. But taking a few steps means within a month’s time, you will be healthier than you were before starting! Frankly, that is exciting!


As I said, I’ve been on a journey myself. We all are and the journey is just that – a lifetime journey. Goals in health and fitness change but we only “arrive” to set new goals. For me, I no longer wish to lift heavy or run long distance. (I won’t bore you with the details.) But now what do I do? Well, I went back to what I know and what I have a passion for – WELLNESS – not just fitness. That will include good, healthy food choices and water and movement. I no longer run long distance or do killer spin classes, but I am walking – every day. It is so cool! Unlike running which is all-encompassing (of mind and body), walking allows breath, is easy, allows creative juices to flow and clears the mind, as well as the positive physical results. My body is responding well. I don’t care about PRs (personal records) now. I just care about time and space to care for myself, so I take it. I still strength train three times a week but it looks different now. I use body weight more and fitness bands, which are easier on these joints in my sixth decade of life!


The point is we often seem to feel the need to create a giant plan of action and then get bogged down with the huge amounts of information on the web. And then, we get overwhelmed, grab another (unhealthy) snack or fast food and flop down exhausted before we’ve even started. So, consider creating a new and simple plan of “just one”. Make just one decision, one strategy, one movement or one good food choice today; right now. Then tomorrow is another day.


I pray for you, my friend, to begin thinking of wellness. We are inundated with what sickness looks like, but what does wellness look like to you?


Tonya Noren

September 14, 2021