
The Maker Who is Faithful Forever

The Maker Who is Faithful Forever


Our sweet, precious dog is at the end of her life. We will soon have to make a difficult decision. Last night, I thought it was over. Her panting, groaning and restlessness clearly spoke of her distress. I couldn’t sleep hearing every sound coming from the end of the bed. I hugged and tried to comfort her, gave her pain medication and took her outside. She finally calmed down and slept. I did not. Attuned to every sound, I began to hear noises outside as well. I was filled with anxiety. My tired brain came to life at 1:30 am with thoughts of death and dying - not just our dog, but our own inevitable end of life concerns. Cue the worry and the restlessness.


“What happens if my husband or I get sick? We are older now.”




“How do we handle our finances heading into retirement?”




“What if my new job doesn’t pan out?”


Fluff the pillow.


“Are my grown kids okay and happy?”


“Is that Eliot’s breathing becoming more labored? Should we go to the emergency vet?”


Get up and try to sleep in the guest room. “What if….?”


Anxiety and worry cause another sleepless night. Add to that the knowledge that the following day would now be compromised. Add to that the anxieties in the world we live in these days. A surefire way to a sleepless, worrisome night is to tune in to television and social media. Anxieties creep in and sleep eludes us further. Everything just piles up.


The Maker


We can all relate to worry over the obligations and pressures of life, but let’s remember who the creator of the universe is.


“He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them – he remains faithful forever” (Psalm 146:6).


Either we trust the Creator or we do not. I remind myself of this truth regularly. It’s the only thing that gives me hope so that I can relax. I have a friend who relays what we so often do. We “lay our cares at the feet of Jesus” (sounds good) and then we pick them back up again! Oh, how true that is! But if we can talk to God and simply tell him about it and then let it alone, we sleep peacefully.


Sweet Sleep


Scripture is full of passages about overcoming anxiety and worry as well as the importance of rest. I love the idea of “sweet sleep”. It’s the one thing that is sweet AND good for us! Proverbs 3:24 states it so eloquently, “When you lie down, you will not be afraid …, your sleep will be sweet.” This should have been my affirmation and prayer when I was overcome with anxiousness.


“Lord, you are the maker of everything and faithful forever. Help me to trust in that promise. I love that your Word calls it “sweet sleep”. Our anxieties are so often magnified in the dark of night robbing us of peaceful, regenerating sleep. Your Word is filled with assurances that I do not have to be burdened by my anxieties; my burdens are light for you. You are the sole provider of the rest I so desperately need. Help me to not give in to the enemy of fear. Thank you for being my forever faithful and loving father. Amen.”


God already knows my concerns. He knows what I need before I ask. I will rest knowing He is faithful forever.


Tonya Noren

January 12, 2022


*The day after this was written, we did indeed have to make the difficult, inevitable decision for our precious dog, Eliot. But it was sweet and peaceful. May our Lord grant us sweet sleep each night as we rest in Him.