
Tribute to Lynn

Lynn (my sweet Sissie),


I know you’re with Jesus now and that is great comfort to me, but I always knew you’d be with Him. But I am still raw and heartbroken. You share a history with me that no one else on earth shares. There are things we share that you have literally taken to your grave. I am now going to have to live this life without you. I didn’t have to explain things or myself to you. You just knew. You understood me even in my human ugliness. You lived life like Jesus did, loving and accepting others as they were. I want to be a little bit more like that. It is so much harder for me. I do not trust so easily – always in protection-mode. But you get that too and loved me anyway. Even if we were spitting mad at each other or jealous, I could trust that you would still be there no matter what and you felt that way too. All it took was a stupid emoji, a text, a call or joke and all of that would simply go away.


We were going to grow our fledgling women’s ministry together. You had the same heart and passion for it that I do. There is a hole now. Jesus will fill that and your memory will do so too. I miss you already more than you, or anyone, will ever know. It sounds cliché but there really is a piece of me that is now missing. Time will heal but scars do remain. I will learn to love the scars too. Everywhere I look now reminds me of you – our serious and deep discussions about biblical truths, our silly and goofy jokes, our eye-roll moments; you knew something was wrong from only a one or two-word text. We could read each other’s “speech bubbles” with no words and then laugh hysterically! I cannot fathom this life without you right now, but I trust God and that gives me comfort. I will hold on and try to be a better friend and family member mirroring your trusting love toward others. Until we meet again my darling sister ….. I expect YOU to be the one escorting me to the Throne when my time on earth is done.


Love you always and always,



Lynn E. Samborsky-Keough

Rest in Peace – April 21, 1962 – September 29, 2020