
Pray: Through Grief, Obedience and Joy

Prayer: Through Grief, Obedience and Joy


It’s been a minute since my last blog, but I never write until I feel the Lord has inspired me. Then, I pray for discernment and the subject matter. Many times, I will have one thought or message to share and the Holy Spirit turns it toward something else – often something I need. And if I need this word from Him, then many others might also. That is the purpose for this ministry; to share His words as I receive them to inspire or help you. Today, I am writing about prayer – what it is and perhaps what it is not. We can pray for or about anything on our hearts and we should, but today’s blog is what is heavy on my heart to pray for.


“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” (1 Chronicles 16:11)


There are multiple passages about prayer, but this is simply written by King David as a song of thanksgiving. While prayer for thanksgiving should be daily, I love this verse because if we simply “seek His face always”, it covers us completely. It is simple, as our prayers should be. Sometimes my prayer is simply, “Help”. He hears us and already knows what we need. In this blog, I will focus specifically on prayer through grief, obedience and joy.


Prayer Through Grief


Allow me personal privilege. Grief is a weird one. We think of it as a short mourning period when a loved one passes, but I’m learning it’s so much more complicated than that. We lost our beloved sister two years ago this month. I am certainly aware of the upcoming anniversary date, but I wasn’t prepared for the extra emotional baggage I would carry in this month two years later. She is on my mind constantly and I miss her so much. One of my other sisters described the feeling so well today, “We miss that she isn’t here to talk and share the details of our lives. She was always sympathetic, empathetic, and celebrated (our) achievements.” Well said!


I’m not really a hugger, but our late sister, Lynn, would hug you anyway and you would ENJOY it! I just simply miss that, and her, so I pray to God for His comfort to get through the extra emotional ups and downs of this month. And He delivers.


Prayer Through Obedience


This might seem odd. We know we must obey God and His commandments trusting that He knows what is best even if we do not see it. But why would we need to pray about it? After all, it just is. I’m learning more as I study the God’s Word more. I always just considered the Ten Commandments to know how to follow God. This is Truth. But Truth becomes deeper the more we know. The more I begin to understand, the more I am in reverent awe of the Holy God. He is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end and there is no one else. I feel humbled and have a deep desire to obey knowing who He is. But sometimes it is a weight; a Holy burden perhaps. I know He has a calling for me (and you by the way-we are not to be passive believers). This ministry is one of the callings on my life. Yet, it is a thing I am constantly in prayer about. I want to be obedient, but I want to make sure I am obeying His will and not my own. Discernment takes on deeper gravity. Prayer is critical through the process.


Prayer Through Joy


Joy. My late sister, Lynn, wrote about Joy for this blog early on. She highlighted a few important elements about Joy. It is not always what we think. Rick Warren eloquently writes, “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined CHOICE to praise God in every situation.” My sister, Lynn, enhances this statement, “I think that Joy is a healthy current of underlying excitement for what God is doing and what He will do next.” She goes on to share her “life-saving scripture” in Romans 8:35: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Lynn ends her blog by writing this powerful statement, “God loves you, as much as me; even, yes even, if you do not love him.”


Joy is assurance, not necessarily happiness or even peace. I love my sister’s phrase, “underlying excitement for what God is doing…” Oh Lynn, the Lord used you in ways you could not have imagined here on earth! You are STILL ministering to me and all of us! It is truly your blessing that you are with Him now. If a prayer of thanksgiving for our joy is not warranted, I don’t know what is. Thanking and praising God for this Joy regardless of our circumstances demonstrates our unending faith in Him so we do not fear the things of this life. I also pray His name against the fear when it comes.


If you’d like to read my sister’s blog in its entirety, here is the direct link. It is posted on this website after she passed with a short beginning tribute.




Final Thoughts on Prayer


Prayer is critical for all of life, but highlighting these three in a season where I feel God tugging on my heart to work more diligently on this ministry seems appropriate. (I just can’t seem to discern the exact details yet; so I pray about it continuously until He reveals more details. This is hard for me.)


Pray, and pray earnestly for all you need and for His will to be done regardless of your circumstances. The words do not have to be fancy or eloquent – just talk to Him. He IS listening and already knows your heart. Rest assured.


Tonya Noren

September 18, 2022