
Inspiration - Theology Bites



Theology Bites


As we begin this new year, let us reflect on what inspires us, what passions we enjoy, what motivates us and what gives us peace. The world is so busy; therefore, our minds are always busy. But what if we just take a moment or two to quiet our minds and see what God “downloads” into our hearts and minds. For me, it happens when I go for a walk. I am truly unplugged and can hear the soft whisper of God. I am then inspired to move forward with the things that bring me joy. In turn, I am equipped to bring joy to others.


According to the US Dictionary, “inspire” means “to give rise to” or “inhale” oxygen – i.e., to “breathe in.” Without life-giving oxygen, our bodies die instantly. “The word (inspired) was originally used of a divine or supernatural being, in the sense ‘impart a truth or idea to someone’.” (www.lexico.com)


Inspired scripture is literally God-breathed. Furthermore, humanity is also God-breathed! This breath of God is literally what separates us from all others in His Creation. This should humble us with profound awe and yet give us profound hope. We are His in a very literal sense. He IS the breath in our lungs.


Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature (Genesis 2:7). 


All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).


The Greek word in the New Testament is “theopneustos” meaning God-breathed. There it is!


With the above explanation in mind, we can now pinpoint what inspires us. It is different for each of us because we are individual creations. The things that inspire us usually give rise to our individual creativity. God has breathed into us our life’s passions. As I mentioned earlier, this allows me to give more fully of myself to others without my own “breath” burning out! So, go for that walk, meditate on the Creator, get quiet and unplug for a moment. Breathe in life-giving oxygen.


May you enjoy a happy and joyous new year!


Tonya Noren

January 2, 2023