
What is Wellness - Really?

What is Wellness – Really?


At its face, the word “Wellness” implies the opposite of illness. That’s probably true, but I think it is much deeper and needs further consideration. After all, this ministry’s very name suggests “Wellness” is something important to strive for. In fact, I would even go so far as to say “Wellness” is what God desires for us.


When I felt God leading me into this women’s ministry, I had no idea what it would look like. (Some days I still don’t, so I lean into Him for direction.) But I DID understand He wanted me to pursue it and I firmly believe He directly implanted the name of it - “Women, Wellness & the Word”. So, let’s now discuss what “Wellness” is and maybe what it is not.


Wellness is Not…


Wellness is not the mere absence of infirmity. I would argue that many of my breast cancer survivor clients have indeed achieved Wellness, even through ongoing treatments and surgeries. I have seen many with disabilities (in our human idea) who are well. Is getting older and perhaps a little slower a testament of Wellness … or not?


Perhaps we are viewing Wellness as health. That is part of it, but Wellness is not merely health nor dependent on health. I believe health is an element of Wellness, but not a definition. Therefore, Wellness is what we strive for.


Wellness is…


In a nutshell, I think “Wellness” is the BALANCE of all things human; the BALANCE of our cognition, physicality and spirituality. Yes, these are big words for the rather overused “mind, body, spirit”. But what does this really MEAN?!


I think when terms are overused at times, they become watered down and lose meaning altogether. For instance, when I hear the phrase, “mind, body, spirit”, I think of some ethereal person sitting quietly cross-legged and focusing on “breathing”. Okay. That’s fine. I know folks that teach how to do this to achieve …. what? .... peace and balance. But is it this simple? Yes and No.


Before discussing balance further, I want to touch on health. I am in the health and fitness industry, so I get that. I am always thinking about my and others’ health in some fashion or another. In reality, though - and I hate to admit it - it is often under the pretense of “how much weight did I lose this week?!” Women can never seem to get away from this thought process. I fight that it’s about that. But it is often about that. And yet, health is NOT about that! It is a close cousin to “Wellness” and that’s our discussion today. I think Wellness is more closely related to the overall human condition. Do we have peace and joy in pursuing our life’s passions?


Wellness is Balance


So, if health is an element of Wellness, then Wellness is perhaps a balance of health within our minds, bodies and spirits. Each of these elements deserve their own individual discussion, but for now, let’s hone in on the balance we strive for, which affects all else.


I am one who has a racing mind, sometimes difficult to shut off. I am continually filled with ideas and desires, but also anxieties and stress. I try to do too much and unfortunately, it often backfires and then I do nothing, unable to focus on even one thing. And round and round it goes. It’s exhausting. Can you relate?


This is hardly balance and certainly not Wellness. I tend to compartmentalize my life to ensure balance giving “equal” attention to each thing. The problem is it doesn’t work that way. Our minds, our bodies and our spirits require an undulating in and out; each feeding and supporting the other – sort of like breathing. All the organs work together and support the other.


It is why some who may be dealing with physical and health issues can experience joy and peace. All the weight loss (or other ____ *insert your own distraction) in the world will not bring joy and peace; in turn, Wellness.


God Offers Balance, Peace and Wellness


While some might consider pursuit of God as only the spiritual element, He is so deeply connected to our Wellness from all levels. He is THE source! And if He is the source, then shouldn’t we just simply pursue Him? I believe this and yet, I find I do not practice it. I need help. I continue to lean on my own human limitations as if they are the answer. I know it, but I do it anyway. Paul the apostle clearly struggled as well.


For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing” (Romans 7:15, 18-19).


The wisdom of the Proverbs helps us with pursuing Wellness. It is so simple if we only kept it close to our hearts constantly.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).


In other words, our Wellness depends on our trust in our Creator rather than attempting to trust our own very limited and very sinful selves!


Prayer is the answer. Get quiet. Do deep breathing if you want to, but in the end, wait upon His quiet whisper in response. He will answer if we just listen. Note to Self….


I WANT balance, peace and joy. I want WELLNESS and it comes from God.


Tonya Noren

January 15, 2023