
We Must Stand Up!

We Must Stand Up!


With the news of America’s recent election, there are multiple and strong emotions among its people. Some are dancing in the streets with joy; and some are even gloating. Some are despondent; and some are even incensed and furious.


But in whom or where should we put our trust?


No government leader now or ever was a savior. We must remember that. As believers in the body of Christ, we must remember who we do put our trust in and what our role is in this world. I think that is where we fail most. When things change in this world, we do not know what our role is or how to act or be. There are answers, though – not in speeches or even good leaders. Our answers are, and always have been, in scripture. Jesus did not mince words when he said to care for the poor, the children (yes, including the unborn children) and those who cannot care for themselves. Government policies may be important to protect the innocent, but Jesus was speaking to us, as individuals.


So what do you and I do? We care for and love our neighbor. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:36-40). “Neighbor” is your fellow man or woman, even if we don’t like them or agree with them. I know I fail miserably at this and must ask for forgiveness regularly.


Yes, we must stand up, but for our faith in Christ; not for a government or its leaders as they come and go. That is God’s department. Yes, we must stand up for those who are hurting by helping them and praying for them; even for those we don’t like. Yes, we must stand up for what is right, but our understanding of those rights may not line up with God’s. Yes, we must stand up for love; love of our neighbor regardless of how they treat us.


There is such a thing as righteous anger, but vindication belongs to God and God alone. Our enemy is unseen. The evil one longs to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10); especially those who belong to God. We must understand that, too. We do have weapons against our enemy. Those weapons are prayer and leaning into the Holy One; not lashing out at others as if they were the enemy.


I am reminded of the prophet, Daniel. He lived in a foreign land that engaged in senseless killing, slavery, greed, religious persecution and every other kind of evil thing we can imagine. Sound familiar? Yet, Daniel did not lash out at his captors or the evil king, Nebuchadnezzar. In fact, because of his respect and gentleness, he attained a high position in the king’s court and in turn, influenced the king for God’s purposes. The one thing he did stand up for against the king’s demands was not denying his God. For this insubordination, he and his friends were thrown into an intense fire. His faith saved him. He knew that God would choose to miraculously save him from the fire or he would die to this world and be with his God. Either way, he was saved.


We need to take a lesson from Daniel’s life and story. He fully depended upon God regardless of how he was treated. He knew that his purpose on earth was to glorify the one true God with how he lived and because of his love for others (including the king), God blessed him exceedingly.


We are not promised an easy life. We believe our rights are God-given. Are they? Yes, we live in a country where men tried their best to form a government to protect most, but they disagreed and fought bitterly (with each other) to settle on a final draft of a Constitution. There are certainly exceptions as we have our historic fair share of persecuting and enslaving others, but many of America’s inhabitants have enjoyed a life that most in the world cannot conceive of. Let us use our earthly freedoms to bless others instead of constantly pointing fingers.


God does promise us freedom, but freedom in an eternal life if we repent and accept Him as the true Savior, not necessarily earthly freedoms. In fact, He emphatically said God’s people would be mocked and persecuted. “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another” (Matthew 24:9-10). Indeed, this is happening before our eyes.


Regardless of what happens in our country and the world, God IS still on the heavenly throne and we are true citizens there. We look to Him and take care of others. We must be a light in the darkness as we show love. We do not know His ways or purposes. We’re not meant to. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).


Our pastor made a great point this morning. There is indeed a “little g” god, the enemy, roaming this earth like a roaring lion looking to steal, kill and destroy. BUT there is also the “BIG G” GOD of the universe who is Jesus the Messiah, the Holy One, who will stomp out evil and all his enemies. The roaring Lion of Judah is coming! Look up!


Tonya Noren

November 8, 2020