
Reflections on Health and Wellness in a New Season

Reflections on Health and Wellness in a New Season


I often write these articles because I am battling some of the issues myself. I figure if I am struggling with them or working through them, others must be also. In this article, I will address what it means to achieve health and wellness. As always, we cannot address the things of this world without peering into God’s Word to see what He says about the very things we struggle with. We are required to do our best to fulfill our part, but then lean on God and trust He will do His.


Health is not only prevention of illness, but it is also doing things to strengthen our immune system to combat anything that may come along to make us ill. It is the “big picture” of wellness. Obviously, the “elephant” in the room is our current struggle with a virus that we do not understand. (Then again, do we really understand any virus?) Unfortunately, humanity tries to control forces of nature and even each other. We know this is really an impossibility, yet we try. Trying too hard to control others or our situations disobeys God in that we are not trusting Him and His plan for us. I am guilty.


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).


But we do have a responsibility to focus on what we can in terms of our health. We can drink enough water, exercise, eat healthy food, maintain healthy relationships and mental health; and try and maintain a healthy attitude through it all. I have to renew my intentions to do these things each day, yet give myself grace to not look back and focus on what I did wrong. This is our part in doing the best we can to remain healthy or return to health after illness.


Covid-19 has affected me and my family on a very personal level and I often feel fear, worry and anxiety creep in. But when I am overwhelmed by these feelings, I lean into God and His Word (yes, even if I don’t feel like it or feel like He’s listening). I have to have the faith to KNOW He cares and is listening and has a better plan than I think I do. Worry does no good at all.


“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27)


“…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7).


Fear is truly an unhealthy spirit that is NOT of God. The scriptures speak of it abundantly.


We often pray for healing if we, or our loved ones, are sick. (I’ve done a lot of that!) But the fact of the matter is, if we know Christ as our Lord and Savior, the answer to this prayer will ALWAYS be healing!! Yes, I said ALWAYS! Because even when we die to this world, we will live in the kingdom of heaven in perfect health! This should give us such peace. Even if our loved one dies in the Lord, understand that God did say “yes” to our prayer for healing!


Jesus is real. He did come into this world to die and redeem us. And …. Hallelujah …. He IS returning to perfect and restore the world and humanity once again! We need only repent and accept Him.


Tonya Noren

January 2, 2021